Customer Experience Design

Take the first step in improving your facility with our Customer Experience Design services. This service is underpinned by the practice of design thinking, a collaborative approach to understand and design solutions to customer problems before they’re implemented.

Different colour sticky notes on a wall. Text reads: "Major Challenges to Expert Solutions"

How it works

Turning your challenges into the ideal customer journey

Woman stretching in workout class. Text on image describes process of upselling personal training sessions.
Understanding Needs

The process begins with a deep understanding of your business's needs, preferences, and pain points, both internal and member-facing. This may involve conducting research interviews, gathering feedback, and analyzing data to uncover insights into customer behaviour and expectations.

Research Synthesis and Analysis

With insights into your business, we take the time to analyze your main challenges and opportunities. We asses your internal and external processes holistically to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding before we provide our recommendations.

Designing the Experience

Finally, we map out the ideal user journeys at your facility. While the specific recommendations will depend on your business's unique challenges, we can identify any external and internal user touchpoints; this could look like class registration, purchasing memberships, creating programs, lead conversion, facility management, and more.

In the end, you'll walk away with highly-tailored journey maps that can be converted to future system requirements.

Book a call today.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
Take the first step toward unlocking the full potential of your Club. Together, we'll create a more efficient, data-driven, and member-focused fitness experience.
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